Case Study

Transformation and rebuild of air-filtration business

Transformation and turnaround a loss making EMEA region (€150M+) for a market leader in air-filtration solutions

Problem Statement

Transform an air-filtration product business into a profitable solution business and, in parallel, build a new salesforce and rationalise five manufacturing plants.


One of the global leaders in air conditioning had acquired a global filtration business. The USA and Asia regions were performing according to expectations, but the EMEA region was struggling with competitive and market pressures. Severe manufacturing challenges had led to uncompetitive lead times and quality issues. In addition, leadership issues across the region had weakened the international salesforce of the business. The owners in Japan and the CEO of the filtration business requested a short-term improvement plan and strategic growth plan for the EMEA region.


Within one year, the changes implemented had delivered an improvement in EBIT and revenue growth of 9%. The manufacturing excellence programme resulted in a lead time reduction of 11%, while there was a 32% improvement in quality issues. A newly created commercial team (sales, product management and marketing) streamlined the manufacturing process and motivated the EMEA (with 300+ employees) to lay the foundation for delivering on a 3-5 year strategic growth plan.

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