Case Study

Develop and launch a new SasS solution
Develop and launch a modular SasS solution for energy management in order to create a new revenue stream for one Europe’s leading utilities companies
Problem Statement
Develop a new SasS solution to complement the company’s existing energy-solution portfolio and leverage a commodity sales organisation to launch this new product into the market.
A leading European utility company had developed a business unit for energy solutions. Market and customer feedback had made it clear that digital product development was essential in order to continue enhancing their solutions portfolio. Energy Management was selected as the first digital product to be developed by leveraging a new agile development process and structure. The existing regional sales organisation had limited experience in selling and delivering digital solutions.
A modular cloud-based Energy Management SasS solution was developed within six months including several minimum variable products. The first module covered basic monitoring, smart meter connectivity and dashboard functionality, and each additional module came with enhanced features all the way up to a holistic overview of all energy-related data, alarm management and automation.
The solution was introduced by a select group of trained energy consultants in each European region and created a new revenue stream (€4M in year 1). In addition, energy management become an effective tool for customer engagement for more complex and bespoke energy-reduction solutions.
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